Craddock’s Electrical Service

The “Love Thy Neighbor” Company

Craddock's Electrical Service

The “Love Thy Neighbor” Company

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Our Address

104 Garner Ave, Madison, TN 37115


We offer financing options on all of our electrical services. Click here or contact one of our technicians to learn more about financing options.

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+1 (615) 822-9983


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Our Address

104 Garner Ave, Madison, TN 37115


Extension Cord Safety With Craddock Electrical

In our modern world, extension cords play an integral role in powering our ever-expanding array of devices and appliances. From charging our smartphones to running power tools, these versatile cords offer flexibility. However, as the usage of extension cords becomes more widespread, the need for proper safety measures cannot be stressed enough. Craddock Electrical, your trusted partner in Nashville, Tennessee, is here to provide expert insights and essential tips for ensuring extension cord safety.

Extension Cord Safety Measures

  • Quality Matters: Always choose high-quality extension cords from reputable manufacturers. 
  • Inspect Before Use: Before plugging in an extension cord, conduct a thorough visual inspection. Look for signs of frayed or damaged wires. If you spot any issues, replace the cord immediately.
  • Proper Wattage Rating: Match the wattage of the devices you intend to plug into the extension cord with the cord’s wattage rating. Overloading the cord with devices that draw more power than it can handle can lead to overheating and potential fire risks.
  • Length Matters: Choose the right cord length for your needs. Longer cords may cause voltage drop, affecting the efficiency of connected devices. Craddock Electrical advises selecting a length that is appropriate for your intended use without excessive slack.
  • Indoor vs. Outdoor Use: Make sure you’re using the right type of extension cord for the environment. Outdoor extension cords are designed to withstand exposure to moisture and other outdoor elements, while indoor cords may not have the same level of protection.

Safety Tips for Extension Cord Usage

  • Avoid Daisy Chaining: Do not connect multiple extension cords together, commonly known as daisy chaining. This practice increases the risk of overheating and can compromise the safety of your electrical setup.
  • Uncoil Fully: When using an extension cord, fully uncoil it to prevent overheating. Coiled cords can trap heat and lead to potential fire hazards.
  • No Tugging Or Yanking: Never pull an extension cord from the wall socket by yanking on the cord itself. Always grip the plug firmly and pull it out gently to avoid damaging the cord’s wires.
  • Elevate From The Ground: Keep extension cords off the ground whenever possible. This reduces the risk of tripping hazards and minimizes exposure to moisture.
  • Store Properly: When not in use, store extension cords in a cool, dry place. Avoid sharp bends or kinks that could damage the cord’s internal wiring.

Electricians Near Me: Craddock Electrical in Nashville, Tennesee

Extension cords are valuable tools that provide flexibility and convenience in powering our devices. By following the expert advice from Craddock Electrical you can ensure the safe and efficient use of extension cords in your home or workspace. Remember, prioritizing safety is a responsibility we all share to protect ourselves and those around us.

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