Craddock’s Electrical Service

The “Love Thy Neighbor” Company

Craddock's Electrical Service

The “Love Thy Neighbor” Company

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+1 (615) 822-9983


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Our Address

104 Garner Ave, Madison, TN 37115


We offer financing options on all of our electrical services. Click here or contact one of our technicians to learn more about financing options.

Give Us a Call

+1 (615) 822-9983


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Our Address

104 Garner Ave, Madison, TN 37115


Discover the Shocking Truth About Electrical Safety

Have you ever experienced an electrifying tingling sensation after touching an outlet? If so, you’ve encountered an electrical shock – a jolting experience caused by the disruption of your body’s natural electrical signals. At Craddock’s Electrical in Nashville, we understand the severity of electrical shocks, which depend on factors like current strength, duration of contact, and the path through the body. Most commonly triggered by electrical outlets, shocks can also result from contact with tools, equipment, or other sources of electricity. Immediate, serious injury can occur when encountering live wires or faulty wiring, leading to an electric shock within seconds.

How Does an Electrical Shock Occur?

An electrical shock arises when an accidental connection is made with an electrical current, whether it’s through an outlet, wiring, or an electrical appliance. The pain from electric shock can range from minor to severe, and in extreme cases, fatal. To avoid such risks, it’s crucial to take precautions when working near electrical components. Minimize contact with outlets and wiring, ensuring proper insulation of electrical connections.

Preventing Electric Shocks: A Safety Guide by Craddock’s Electrical

1. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings: Keep small children away from power outlets and plugs.

2. Maintain Electrical Appliances: Ensure all electric appliances are in good working order. Repair or replace damaged items promptly.

3. Mind Metal Objects: Avoid touching metal objects when plugged into an electrical outlet (e.g., hair dryer, curling iron, toaster).

4. Outlet Covers: Install outlet covers to safeguard children from reaching sockets.

5. Immediate Action after a Shock: Turn off power to prevent further injury. Refrain from touching the person until power is off.

6. Check for Damaged Cords: Inspect cords for damage and cover any exposed wires.

7. Professional Inspection: If there’s an immediate risk of electrical shock, enlist a licensed electrician like Craddock’s Electrical to inspect your home’s wiring.

8. Proper Grounding: Ensure all appliances and electrical equipment are correctly grounded to reduce the risk of electric shock.

9. Avoid Overloading Outlets: Refrain from using extension cords and plugging multiple devices into the same outlet.

10. Follow Safety Guidelines: Always adhere to safety guidelines and exercise caution when dealing with electricity.

Need an Electrician to Check? Craddock’s Electrical is Here for You!

After experiencing a shock, things may feel shaky. Whether you require electrical work or a wiring check-up, Craddock’s Electrical offers expert inspection services. Our skilled electricians are ready to assess circuit breaker boxes, damaged cords, and any potential electrical hazards. Don’t compromise on safety – reach out to Craddock’s Electrical for professional assistance today!

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